HDB BTO Renovation Package (Premium)

$10,888 For All BTO Flats

*Prices above are not inclusive of GST

*All packages come with a 24-month guarantee for all renovation works


A. Professional Service

  1. Design concept consultation

  2. Space planning & Layout plan proposal

  3. Designer's 3D computerized drawing

  4. Material and colour scheme proposal

  5. Project management & site supervision

B. Masonry Works

  1. Construct 50 mm ht kitchen cabinet base with tiles skirting

C. Plumbing Works

  1. Supplying & installing 2"pvc outlet pipe for kitchen sink

  2. Supplying labours to install kitchen sink

  3. Supplying labours to install kitchen sink tap

  4. Supplying labour to install instant heater x 2 or tank heater x 1

  5. Supplying labour to install 2 x toilet accessories

D. Painting Works

  1. Supplying labour & materials to paint the whole house internal wall using Vinlex 5000

  2. Supplying labour & material to paint whole house internal ceiling using matex paint 4+1

  3. Supplying labour & materials to paint all room door & frame with pipe (if any)

E. Carpentry Works

  1. Supplying and installing upper and low storage cabinet with selected laminate finish c/w ABS Trimming and solid ply wood 20ft ( Internal colour pvc finish )

    a) 1 unit cutlery tray
    b) frosted glass panel door x 1
    c) selected drawers c/w metal runner x 3 soft close

    d) Selected soft close hinges
    e) dish rack x 1

    f) labour to install cooker + hood

  2. Supply and install service Balcony Alum sliding window 3 panel sliding

  3. Supply and install suspended tv console with selected laminate finish 1800mm(L)

  4. To supply and shift scv ,Tel and 13A power points for tv use

  5. To supply and install selected 20mm quartz solid surface work top 10ft with 50mm backsplash

F. Miscellaneous

  1. Supplying & laying floor protection for the affected areas

  2. Haulage service

  3. Debris removal fee

  4. General Washing & Chemical washing upon completion

FOC Items

  1. Rinnai Hood RH-S95A-FVBR

  2. Rinnai Cooker RB-723G 3 Burners or BR-722G 2 Burners

  3. Kitchen Sink FL 5050 Single Bowl top mount Sink (600 x 500 x 230mm )

    OR FL 8245 Double bowl top mount sink ( 820x 450 x 215mm )

  4. Kitchen sink tap FL 816SS or FL 813 ( cold tap only )

  5. Free Upgrade To Low Formaldehyde Particle Boards

Free Consultation For AC Vision Renovation Packages

AC vision offers HDB BTO renovation and renovation packages for homeowners seeking renovation services in Singapore. Feel free to contact us and share your ideas and plans with our free consultation today.

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